Archive for June, 2022

How to Work From Home and Retire by 39

June 13th, 2022

Do you want to retire by 39? Are you sick of your boss? I have a solution that will allow you to work from anywhere and work the amount of hours you want. You don’t need any experience or education just the tips I am about to give you and dedication.

I have tried all sorts of home based businesses but the only one that has worked for me is oil trading.

The following steps will get you started to trading oil and become wealthy.

1. Low minimum – Since oil contracts trade at around $300 you can start trading with a low amount of money. The $300 contract is highly leveraged so you control far more oil than $300 which can help you make money faster. It is not uncommon to double your money in a day using these contracts.

2. Paper Trade – Before you start trading any of your money you should practice by paper trading. Trading software takes some getting used to so paper trading will allow you to get comfortable using it while making trades. Once you feel comfortable paper trading you can move on to real trading.

3. Get Oil Trading Software – The most important part of oil trading is the trading software. Make sure you get good trading software since it does all the work for you by advising you when to buy or sell your oil holdings and is 100% responsible for your results.

No that you know how to work from home trading oil you should be able to retire by 39. Using this method will allow you to make more money than you could imagine once you practice and become familiar with trading oil.